


  The morning of Thanksgiving Day in New York City is busy. People crowd the streets to see a special event—the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade(游行). It is presented by Macy's Department Store every Thanksgiving Day. The event makes Thanksgiving a great festival in New York City.
The first Parade
  In 1924, the first Parade was held by many Macy's Department Store employees. As European immigrants(移民), the employees wanted to celebrate the Amercican holiday of Thanksgiving in the way they celebrated their favorite festival in Europe.
  On the day of Thanksgiving, the employees marched to Macy's flagship store on 34th Street with bright costumes(装扮). There were floats(彩车), professional bands and animals borrowed from the Central Park Zoo.
  The interesting event attracted lots of people. The Parade was such a success that Macy's declared it would hold such an event every year.
From animals to balloons
  In 1927, the animals were replaced(取代) by large animal-shaped balloons and the first one was the “Felix the Cat”(费利克斯猫) balloon.
  One tradition at that time was the releasing(放飞) of the balloons. They would float for several days and fly to other places. It is interesting that the lucky finder or finders could get a cash reward if he or she returned the balloon or its remains(碎片) to Macy's.
  Later, many cartoon characters joined in the Parade. The first Mickey Mouse balloon entered the Parade in 1934.
  The Parade always goes on, rain or shine(except from 1942-1944 because of World War Ⅱ). The floats, large balloons of cartoon characters, high school marching bands and of course, the large audience, make New York City's Thanksgiving Day special, interesting and famous.
1. The Macy's Parade isn't a special event on Thanksgiving Day, is it?
2. When did the Macy's Department store hold the first Parade?
3. Where did the employees march to on the day of Thanksgiving?
4. What should people do if they want to get a cash reward?
5. What's the name of the first animal-shaped balloon?
6. Was the Parade held in 1943? Why?
7. What is the topic of this passage?


【分析】1. 问句是一个陈述部分为否定句的反义疑问句,其答语Yes译为“不”,No译为“是的”。根据第一段第二句...a special event—the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade(游行).可知,Macy's Parade是感恩节的一件特别的事。因此答语为:Yes,it is.(不,它是一件特别的事。)
2. 根据The first Parade部分第一句In 1924, the first Parade was held by many Macy's Department Store employees.可知答案。
3. 根据The first Parade部分第二段第一句On the day of Thanksgiving, the employees marched to Macy's flagship store on 34th Street with bright costumes(装扮).可知答案。
4. 根据From animals to balloons部分第二段最后一句...if he or she returned the balloon or its remains(碎片) to Macy's.可知答案。
5. 根据From animals to balloons部分第一段...and the first one was the “Felix the Cat”(费利克斯猫) balloon.可知,第一个动物形状气球的名字是“费利克斯猫”。
6. 根据From animals to balloons部分第四段第一句...except from 1942-1944 because of World WarⅡ可知,在1942-1944年期间,因为第二次世界大战游行未能举行。
7. 通读全文可知,本文讨论的是Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade。







